Oxon Hill High School
Class Of 1964
Grand 60th Letter
OHHS Class of 1964
60th Reunion
October 20-23, 2024
Hello Classmates of the Class of 1964
It’s Almost Here:
Our 60th reunion will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn (formerly the Dune’s Manor Hotel) beginning with OHHS registration on Sunday, October 20, and departing on Wednesday morning the 23rd.
A Registration form is included in this mailing (probably our one and only mailing). It has gone out only to people with complete addresses on the website so be sure your address is complete. Additional details can be found on our website www.ohhs64.com. Registration & Check-In begins at 4:00 pm on the 20th. We will have a “Hospitality Room” where we can gather beginning on Sunday at 4:00 pm and continuing throughout the reunion.
Check-In at the hotel occurs at the Registration Counter. Be sure to get our special OHHS 64 rate. We got a much better rate by moving to a Sunday to Wednesday time frame.
Cut-Off date for Registrations is September 15, 2024. Reservations can be made at the Hilton
The best way to register is to click on the web link on the web page. Available Rooms - Hilton Garden Inn Ocean City Oceanfront. This link will take you directly to our special rate and rooms to choose from. Don't wait until the last minute as we only reserved a certain number of rooms.
The biggest help everyone can be is:
- One: Register as soon as possible so we have a handle on who is coming and that we will meet the hotel guaranteed numbers and all the perks we have at our special rate.
- Two: Help locate classmates who are “Lost at Sea” or aren’t on the website.
- Three: Pass the word about the reunion and encourage others to participate.
Dinner events include:
- Sunday Evening No Host Dinner (each on our own for payment) at Higgins or another restaurant if Higgins isn’t available.
- Monday pm 6:00 Assateague Island Cookout buffet dinner.
- Tuesday pm 6:00 pm – Delmarva Coast buffet dinner.
OHHS 64 Website & Your Profile:
Updates will be made available on our website. If you aren’t registered on the website, we need you to do so now as that will be our primary form of information and communication. We ask that each of you visit your profile on the website and make sure all your contact information is current. We will be using that information to contact you about future gatherings, and classmate news.
Keep watching the website for updates.
Please help find classmates and encourage them to register on the website. If you haven't been to the website, I would like to invite you to come and have a look around. It is a secure website, and you need to register and create your own password in order to view the site.
We are going to become more and more self-responsible (there’s an old-time idea) so it’s going to be up to you to stay connected, find out what is going on and provide information to keep the site relevant and helpful. We will do our best to work with you but each of us has to do our part too.
Profiles - Many of our classmate's profiles contain interesting notes plus pictures. If you ever have any free time, take a look at some of them. We always enjoy seeing updates and information on classmate’s profiles.
Email - Just a reminder that you can email other classmates who have registered on the site. Great way to reconnect. Keep your email up to date on the website!
Memoriam Page - We do our best to keep the Memorial Page up to date even though it’s always sad when we lose a classmate. Please take the time to look at this page - if you have a memory of someone who has passed away please let Bob Chance (bobchance@comcast.net) know so he can update the Memorial Page. Share a memory of anyone who has passed. It would be nice to see each classmate with a rose by their name. Seems like that is the least we can do for our departed classmates. If you have any questions or suggestions, please mail Bob
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