Class Reunion Survey 2024

New Survey for our 2024 Reunion

Dates: Sunday October 20 to  Wednesday October 23, 2024 (Gets us great rates)

Where:  Hilton Garden Inn (Former Dunes Manor), Ocean City Maryland

Please complete and return to us asap!  We have to give estimates of numbers for reservations.


You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Will you be attending our 60th Reunion in October 2024?

2)   * If attending will you be staying at the hotel?

  Yes, staying on site
  No, staying off site
  Not sure at this point
3)   * Will you be joining us for the dinner out on Sunday?

4)   * Will you joining us for the Monday night "Cookout Type" buffet on Monday?

5)   * Will you be joining us for the "Banquet" on Tuesday?

6)   * Are you interested in possible future reunions beyond this one?

  Yes, if possible
  No, not really
  Maybe, not sure at this point in life
7)   Other Thoughts or Ideas

This survey ended on 06/15/2024.